Steel construction at new building of the elementary school Munich

Steel construction at new building of the elementary school Munich

Public tender

Client | Contracting Entity: Landeshauptstadt München, Baureferat, Hochbau
Planning | Implementation: Auer Weber
Event Site: München Allach – Theodor Fischer Straße

Scope metron eging GmbH:

  • Planning period and tonnage:
  • August 2020 – Oktober 2022
  • Tonnage of steel used: 150t
  • Preparation of shop drawings for:
  • Canopies
  • Escape balconies
  • Escape staircases
  • Transformer house incl. lamella facade
  • Lamella enclosure for an escape staircase incl. roofing
  • Production, painting and assembly of:
  • approx. 800 running meters of steel escape balconies
  • approx. 520m² canopies
  • 3 external steel escape staircases
  • Transformer house incl. lamella facade
  • Lamella enclosure incl. roofing